
Showing posts from 2023

Herein lies the disproportion between Jesus Christ's principles...

Herein lies the disproportion between Jesus Christ's principles and all other moral teaching: Jesus bases everything on God-realisation, while other teachers base everything on self-realisation. - Oswald Chambers 

Waiting On God: To Reveal Himself

Waiting On God by Andrew Murray To Reveal Himself Isaiah 25:9. it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation. In this passage, we have two precious thoughts. The one, that it is the language of God's people who have been unitedly waiting on Him. The other, that the fruit of their waiting has been that God has so revealed Himself, that they could joyfully say, "Lo, this is our God . . . this is the LORD." The power and the blessing of united waiting is what we need to learn. Note that this phrase is repeated twice, "We have waited for him." In some time of trouble, the hearts of the people had been drawn together, and they had, ceasing from all human hope or help, with one heart set themselves to wait for their God. Is this not just what we need in our churches and conventions and prayer meetings? Is not the need of the church a...

Successful Christian life rests on three essentials

The Power of Consecration to Principle By John G Lake Successful Christian life rests on three essentials: First:  A knowledge of the teaching of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, whose words are the final authority,  the bar where every question must be brought for final decision. The words of every other must be measured, and their value determined, by the statements of Jesus Christ.  " In him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. " Second:  Consecration to do all the will of God as declared by the Lord Jesus. Third:  Recognition of the Holy Spirit as revealer, guide, interpreter, teacher, and empowerer.  For without the presence of the Spirit of God in our hearts our consecration would be valueless.  We would not be able to live it.  And without a knowledge of the teaching of Jesus our consecration would be non-intelligent.  

Waiting On God: In Times of Darkness

Waiting On God By Andrew Murray In Times of Darkness Isa 8:17 "I will wait upon the Lord, that hideth His face from the house of Jacob; and I will look for Him." Here we have a servant of God, waiting upon Him, not on behalf of himself, but of his people, from whom God was hiding His face. It suggests to us how our waiting upon God, though it commences with our personal needs, with the desire for the revelation of Himself, or for the answer to personal petitions, need not, may not, stop there. We may be walking in the full light of God’s countenance, and God yet be hiding His face from His people around us; far from being content to think that this is nothing but the just punishment of their sin, or the consequence of their indifference, we are called with tender hearts to think of their sad estate, and to wait on God on their behalf. The privilege of waiting upon God is one that brings great responsibility. Even as Christ, when He entered God’s presence, at once used His pla...

The Ultimate Note

Musicians talk of an ultimate note. That is a note you will not find on any keyboards. It is a peculiar note. A man sits down to tune a piano, or any fine instrument. He has no guide to the proper key, and yet he has a Guide. That Guide is that note that he has in his soul. And the nearer he can bring his instrument into harmony with that note in his soul, the nearer perfection he has attained. There is an ultimate note in the heart of the Christian. - John G. Lake  

A word of Knowledge: Understanding ithe Word in the Spirit

A word of Knowledge On Understanding ithe Word in the Spirit How do you read and understand the Word of God in the Spirit? Before we are able to answer this question, let us first look at how we are able to verify that our understanding on the guidance and Word of God is true and according to the will of God.  There are two laws of interpretation universally recognized among Bible scholars.  These two laws are, 1) the law of usage   (or "usus loquendi" as it is called)  and  2) the law of context. Many a verse in the Bible standing alone might admit of two or three or even more interpretations, but when these two laws of interpretation are applied, it is settled to a certainty that only one of the various possible interpretations is the true interpretation.  1) The law of usage is this, that when you find a word or phrase in any passage of Scripture and you wish to know what it means, do not go to a dictionary but go to the Bible itself, look up the v...

Voice of a Prophet: Consider Your Personal Ambitions

Voice of a Prophet  By A.W. Tozer Consider Your Personal Ambitions What about our ambition and our fleshly enjoyment?  How do we rationalize our ambition and appease ourselves and give God second place? When it comes to a choice between God and marriage, who wins?  God, or the young lady?  God, or the young man? When it comes to a choice between God and our friends, and especially when it comes to a choice between God and self, who wins? I believe this is why evangelical churches are staggering on, because we will not give God the place that is His by right of who He is and who we are.  Whenever human will enters in, this monstrous inversion is found.  Out in the world of nature, up among the stars, everything is all right because they have no will. As soon as we get where God wants us, we have trouble. There’s no trouble among the angels, because they are not fallen; but among fallen men and devils and many other creatures who have moral perception, there ...