
A Deluge Of The Spirit

A Deluge Of The Spirit By John G. Lake In 1908, I preached at Pretoria, South Africa, when one night God came over my life in such power, in such streams of liquid glory and power, that it flowed consciously off my hands like streams of electricity.  I would point my finger at a man and that stream would strike him.  When a man interrupted the meeting, I would point my finger at him and say, "Sit down!" He fell as if struck and lay for three hours.  When he became normal they asked him what happened, and he said, "Something struck me that went straight through me. I thought I was shot." At two o'clock in the morning I ministered to sixty-five sick who were present, and the streams of God that were pouring through my hands were so powerful the people would fall as though they were hit.  I was troubled because they fell with such violence.  And the Spirit said,  "You do not need to put your hands on them. Keep your hands a distance away."  And when I hel

Clothed with the Spirit

Clothed with the Spirit By Smith Wigglesworth Interpretation of Tongues God has sent His Word to free us from the “law of sin and death.”  Except we die, we cannot live;  except we cease to be, God cannot be. The Holy Spirit has a royal plan, a heavenly plan. He came to unveil the King, to show the character of God, to unveil the precious blood of Jesus.  Because I have the Holy Spirit within me, I see Jesus clothed for humanity.  He was moved by the Spirit, led by the Spirit.  We read of some who heard the Word of God but did not benefit from it because faith was lacking in them (Heb. 4:2).  We must have a living faith in God’s Word, a faith that is quickened by the Spirit. A man may be saved and still be carnally minded.  When many people hear about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, their carnal minds at once arise against the Holy Spirit.  “The carnal mind…is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be”  (Rom. 8:7).  One time, Jesus’ disciples wanted to call down fire from heaven

A word of Wisdom: Follow God

A word of Wisdom: Follow God Mark 10:18 KJV And Jesus said unto him,  Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. In this generation of Christianity, it seems to be quite an achievement (for Christ or themselves??) for brethrens who proclaimed to be leaders to establish business-like Ministries of their own apart from the Body. Thus, further dividing the Body which is already very divided in a vast multitude of denominations of churches.  Many believers fervently follow and idolise these ministries where the attention is centered on these Ministers, calling them good, even calling them their church.  1 Corinthians 1:12-13 KJV Now this I say, that every one of you saith,  I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.  [13] Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul? And not just these Ministers, some even fervantly follow and also elevated the pastors and preachers of established or traditional churc

The Full Blessings of Pentecost: How it is obtained by us - Part 7 of 7

The Full Blessings of Pentecost By Andrew Murray How it is obtained by us - Part 7 of 7 "And be not drunk with wine,  wherein is excess;  but be filled with the Spirit;" EPH. v. 18. Now I count upon God and wait upon Him to reveal truly within me the blessing which He has bestowed upon me.  Faith must lead me to the actual inheritance of the promise, to the experience and enjoyment of it.  Do not rest content with a belief that does not lead to experience.  Rest in God by faith in the full assurance that He can make Himself known to you in a manner that is truly divine.  At times the whole process may appear to you too great and too wonderful, and really impossible.  Be not afraid.  The more clearly you discern the amazing elements in the fact that you on your part have said to the Eternal Holy God that He on His part may have you to make you full of His Holy Spirit here on earth,  the more shall you feel what a miracle of the grace of God it must be.  There may be in you thi

The Secret of Prosperity

The Biblical (right) approach to Prosperity...time to re-educate ourselves according to the Bible and not according to men. The Secret of Prosperity  

The Full Blessings of Pentecost: How it is obtained by us - Part 6 of 7

The Full Blessings of Pentecost By Andrew Murray How it is obtained by us - Part 6 of 7 "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;" EPH. v. 18. In faith that God accepts my surrender and bestows this blessing upon me, I appropriate it for myself. There is a great difference betwixt the appropriation of a blessing by faith and the actual experience of it. It is because Christians do not understand this that they often become discouraged, when they do not at once experience the feeling and the enjoyment of what is promised them. Whenever in response to the offer of Christ you have said that you forsake all, and count it but loss for the full blessing of Pentecost, then from that moment you have to believe that He receives your offer and that He bestows upon you the fulness of the Spirit. Yet it may easily be that you cannot at that crisis trace any marked change in your experience. It is as if everything in you remained in its old condition.

The Full Blessings of Pentecost: How it is obtained by us - Part 5 of 7

The Full Blessings of Pentecost By Andrew Murray How it is obtained by us - Part 5 of 7 "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;" EPH. v. 18. I must have this blessing at any cost. To get possession of the pearl of great price, the merchant man had to sell all that he had. The full blessing of Pentecost is to be obtained at no smaller price. He that would have it must sell all, must forsake all: sin to its smallest item, the love of the world in its most innocent forms, self-will in its simplest and most natural expressions, every faculty of our nature, every moment of our life, every pleasure that feeds our self-complacency, every exercise of our body, soul, and spirit all must be surrendered to the power of the Spirit of God. In nothing can independent control or in dependent force have a place: everything everything, I say must be under the leading of the Spirit. One must indeed say: "Cost what it may, I am determined to have this