
Working with God - Waiting and Working

Working with God  by Andrew Murray Waiting and Working They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;  Neither hath the eye seen,  O God, beside Thee, what He hath prepared for him that waiteth for Him. —Isaiah 40:31, 64:4 KJV   Here we have two texts in which the connection between waiting and working is made clear.  In the first we see that waiting brings the needed strength for working—that it fits for joyful and unwearied work.  'They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;  they shall mount up with wings as eagles;  they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.' Waiting on God has its value in this:  it makes us strong in work for God.  The second reveals the secret of this strength. God worketh for Him that waiteth for Him. The waiting on God secures the working of God for us and in us,  out of which our work must spring. The two passages teach the great lesson,  that as waiti...

Working with God - INTRODUCTION

Working with God  - INTRODUCTION (Excerpts) by Andrew Murray  The object of this little book is first of all to remind all Christian workers of the greatness and the glory of the work in which God gives a share.  It is nothing less than that work of bringing men back to their God, at which God finds His highest glory and blessedness.  As we see that it is God’s own work we have to work out,  that He works it through us,  that in our doing it His glory rests on us and we glorify Him,  we shall count it our joy to give ourselves to live only and wholly for it. The aim of the book at the same time is to help those who complain, and perhaps do not even know to complain,  that they are apparently labouring in vain,  to find out what may be the cause of so much failure.  God’s work must be done in God’s way, and in God’s power.  It is spiritual work, to be done by spiritual men, in the power of the Spirit.  The clearer our insight in...

How to Pray for Healing and Everything Else

A word of Knowledge: How to Pray for Healing and Everything Else James 5:15 KJV the prayer of faith shall save the sick You need to have the kind of faith like Jesus' faith WHILE He is saying these words or other similar words,  And then execute out EXACTLY what these verses instructed and you will be able to have whatsoever you desired being aligned with following after Christ: Note: Do not do or say anything contrary thereafter the prayer that will offset or cancel what you have just prayed.  Mark 11:23-24 KJV For verily I say unto you,  That whosoever shall SAY unto this mountain,  Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea;  and shall NOT DOUBT in his HEART ,  but shall BELIEVE that those things which he SAITH shall come to pass;  he shall have whatsoever he SAITH .  [24] Therefore I say unto you,  What things soever ye desire,  WHEN ye pray,  BELIEVE that ye RECEIVE them,  and ye shall HAVE them. As you can se...

A word of Wisdom: The Word Cannot Contradict Itself

A word of Wisdom: The Word Cannot Contradict Itself We know of a truth that the Word of God cannot contradict itself in any way or in any place or verse. In fact, the Word of God explains itself thtoughout the whole Holy Bible and need no help from any scholar or man to help us interpret what He is saying to us. Question: How and what do you make out of a "Bible" that contradicts itself? The conclusion that we should derive from simple logical reasoning is that,  Such a "Bible" is not of God but is of man. Thus, it cannot be the Word of God but the words of men. Hebrews 11:20 KJV By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come. The King James Bible says, Isaac blessed Esau: Genesis 27:39 KJV And Isaac his father answered and said unto him,  Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above; ~~~ Let's see what some of the popular Bible translations say, Isaac cursed Esau; Genesis 27:39 NIV His father Isaac...

A word of Wisdom: How to read the Bible

A word of Wisdom: How to read the Bible Firstly, read only the King James Bible and not any other modern translations.  Otherwise, you will not be able to follow the instructions because all other modern translations do not have the same clear voice of God. How do you read the Bible? No, you don't read it as a history textbook nor do you read it as you would read a fictional novel nor in any academic or scholastic manner. The Bible is the Word of God, the very words out of the mouth of God.  The Bible is unlike any other books in the world.  It is alive. You must read it in all the authority, power, preciousness and sacredness of the words coming out of the mouth of the Almighty God Himself. Jesus Christ is the Word of God and the Holy Spirit is the agent whom conveys Him to us within the Bible and outside of the Bible in our daily life. The manner to read the Bible in order to reap the fullest benefits is this: Read as though the words are coming out from the Holy Spirit...

除什么除夕? 拜什么年? 犯什么太岁?

除什么 除 夕? 拜什么年? 犯什么太岁? 在中国古代的神话传说中,"夕"、"年"和"岁"都与一些猛兽或怪兽的传说相关联,这些传说通常与驱邪避凶、祈求平安的习俗有关。 1. 夕的传说:    相传“夕”是一种凶猛的怪兽,它每年在农历年的最后一天出现,危害人间,吞噬牲畜和伤害人命。人们发现“夕”害怕红色和响声,于是开始在除夕夜贴红纸(春联的前身)、放鞭炮来驱赶“夕”,从而形成了除夕的习俗。 2. 年的传说:    “年”也是一种传说中的怪兽,它与“夕”类似,也是每年在农历新年之际出现,给人们带来灾难。人们用红色的装饰和鞭炮来驱赶“年”,因此过年时挂红灯笼、贴红对联、放鞭炮等习俗,都与驱赶“年”兽有关。 3. 岁的传说:    “岁”在古代有时指的是一种象征时间的怪兽,它每年会吃掉一个人,因此人们用各种方式来祈求平安,避免被“岁”所害。随着时间的推移,“岁”这个概念逐渐演变成了对时间的称呼,而与之相关的驱邪习俗也融入了春节的庆祝活动中。 这些传说反映了古代人们对于自然灾害和未知事物的恐惧,以及他们通过各种仪式和习俗来寻求心灵慰藉和保护的愿望。随着时间的推移,这些传说和习俗逐渐演变成了中国传统文化中不可或缺的一部分,尤其是在春节期间的各种庆祝活动。  

The KJV: God's Miracke On Your Bookshelf

This should convince any rational, logical minds that the King James Bible is the ONLY true Preserved Word of God. Otherwise, you are simply in unbelief and in denial of the Truth. Mark 9:24 KJV Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. The KJV: God's Miracke On Your Bookshelf

A word of Wisdom: A Foreshadow of the Reign of the Antichrist

A word of Wisdom: A Foreshadow of the Reign of the Antichrist  In the last 4 years, the world at large under the influence of the Biden Administration, has undergone a drastic change in morality and values into the recurrence of the days of Noah and the days of Lot. The world has been transformed from that of Judeo-Christian values into that of the true Roman Catholic (or Universal) values. Although there may be some temporary reprieve here and there (no, Trump is not The Saviour of the US and the world),  the seed of evil has already rooted, sprouted and encouraged in fallen souls all over the world.  This transformation will remain so until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every one of the Ten Commandments of God has been brazenly broken that are not already  transgressed in just 4 years. ~~~ The Ten Commandments: Exodus 20:2-17 KJV 1. I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.  Thou shalt have no ...