Working with God - Good Works the Light of the World
Working with God
Good Works the Light of the World
Ye are the light of the world.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
—Matthew 5:14,16
A light is always meant for the use of those who are in darkness, that by it they may see.
The sun lights up the darkness of this world.
A lamp is hung in a room to give it light.
The Church of Christ is the light of men.
The God of this world hath blinded their eyes;
Christ’s disciples are to shine into their darkness and give them light.
As the rays of light stream forth from the sun and scatter that light all about,
so the good works of believers are the light that streams out from them to conquer the surrounding darkness,
with its ignorance of God and estrangement from Him.
What a high and holy place is thus given to our good works.
What power is attributed to them.
How much depends upon them.
They are not only the light and health and joy of our own life, but in every deed the means of bringing lost souls out of darkness into God’s marvellous light.
They are even more.
They not only bless men, but they glorify God, in leading men to know Him as the Author of the grace seen in His children.
We propose studying the teaching of Scripture in regard to good works, and specially all work done directly for God and His kingdom.
Let us listen to what these words of the Master have to teach us.
The aim of good works.
—It is, that God may be glorified.
You remember how our Lord said to the Father:
'I have glorified Thee on the earth,
I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do.'
We read more than once of His miracles, that the people glorified God.
It was because what He had wrought was manifestly by a Divine power.
It is when our good works thus too are something more than the ordinary virtues of refined men, and bear the impress of God upon them, that men will glorify God.
They must be the good works of which the Sermon on the Mount is the embodiment—a life of God’s children,
doing more than others,
seeking to be perfect as their Father in heaven is perfect.
This glorifying of God by men may not mean conversion,
but it is a preparation for it when an impression favourable to God has been made.
The works prepare the way for the words,
and are an evidence to the reality of the Divine truth that is taught,
while without them the world is powerless.
The whole world was made for the glory of God.
Christ came to redeem us from sin and bring us back to serve and glorify Him.
Believers are placed in the world with this one object,
that they may let their light shine in good works,
so as to win men to God.
As truly as the light of the sun is meant to lighten the world,
the good works of God’s children are meant to be the light of those who know and love not God.
What need that we form a right conception of what good works are,
as bearing the mark of something heavenly and divine,
and having a power to compel the admission that God is in them.
The power of good works.
—Of Christ it is written:
'In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.’
The Divine life gave out a Divine light.
Of His disciples Christ said:
'If any man follow Me,
he shall not walk in darkness,
but have the light of life.’
Christ is our life and light.
When it is said to us,
Let your light shine,
the deepest meaning is,
let Christ, who dwells in you, shine.
As in the power of His life you do your good works,
your light shines out to all who see you.
And because Christ in you is your light,
your works, however humble and feeble they be, can carry with them a power of Divine conviction.
The measure of the Divine power which works them in you will be the measure of the power working in those who see them.
Give way, O child of God, to the Life and Light of Christ dwelling in you,
and men will see in your good works that for which they will glorify your Father which is in heaven.
The urgent need of good works in believers.
—As needful as that the sun shines every day, yea, more so, is it that every believer lets his light shine before men.
For this we have been created anew in Christ, to hold forth the Word of Life, as lights in the world.
Christ needs you urgently, my brother, to let His light shine through you.
Perishing men around you need your light, if they are to find their way to God.
God needs you, to let His glory be seen through you.
As wholly as a lamp is given up to lighting a room,
every believer ought to give himself up to be the light of a dark world.
Let us undertake the study of what working for God is,
and what good works are as part of this,
with the desire to follow Christ fully,
and so to have the light of life shining into our hearts and lives, and from us on all around.
1. 'Ye are the light of the world!’
The words express the calling of the Church as a whole.
The fulfilment of her duty will depend upon the faithfulness with which each individual member loves and lives for those around him.
2. In all our efforts to waken the Church to evangelise the world,
our first aim must be to raise the standard of life for the individual believer of the teaching:
As truly as a candle only exists with the object of giving light in the darkness,
the one object of your existence is to be a light to men.
3. Pray God by His Holy Spirit to reveal it to you that you have nothing to live for but to let the light and love of the life of God shine upon souls.
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