
Some people read their Bibles...

Some people read their Bibles in Hebrew, some in Greek. I like to read mine in the Holy Ghost.  - Smith Wigglesworth This is the difference between seminary or institution trained cookie cutter pastors and scholars,  vs Spirit-filled biblical Christians.

Voice of a Prophet: The Climb Toward Deep Spiritual Satisfaction

Voice of a Prophet  By A.W. Tozer The Climb Toward Deep Spiritual Satisfaction What is the Holy Spirit trying to tell us here?  Let me offer you a ladder upon which you can climb into the kingdom of power.  I want to offer you the secret that will bring you riches and inward experiences such as you have never had before.  This is the secret that will bring you to deep spiritual satisfaction for your total nature, usefulness, fruitfulness and growth such as you have never known before. In addition, it will bring you the ravishing knowledge of the only true God. To begin with, I believe in personal communion with God to the point of incandescence. I believe that we should fellowship with God until, like Moses, some of the glow of God is upon our faces. David understood the secret, which is to exalt God over ourselves, at any cost to us, and always put God first.  We are to put God where He belongs.  God always keeps safe everything you give to Him, and you always jeopardize everything yo

Keys to Receiving God's Miracle: Believing Is Now

Keys to Receiving God's Miracle By E.W. Kenyon Believing Is Now Believing is the verb form of faith; it is acting on the Word. Believing is acting before God acts. It is having faith that God has already acted before He acts. Believing is an utter abandonment to the Father, and to the lordship of Jesus Christ. It is the utter surrender, if you please, of your reasoning faculties to the Word of God. Believing is the unqualified committal of your entire being to the will of the Father. Here are some of the things that believing does: It opens up your entire life to the fullness of the life of God. It gives Christ the first place in your life. It turns your self-life over to the lordship of love, the Jesus kind of love. It is receiving life, health, wisdom, and power from Him. It is unconsciously entering into all He has done and all He is for us. It is being who He says we are. It is arriving at the knowledge that “he that believeth on me hath…” (John 6:47). Believing is having;

Washed in Holy Fire

Washed in Holy Fire (My Testimony of Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit, written Dec 2019) The Promise John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire: Luke 3:16 KJV And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:4‭-‬5‭, ‬8 KJV The Fulfilment of the Promise And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from h

Of God and Men by A. W. Tozer

Of God and Men (Excerpts) By A. W. Tozer A prophet is one who knows his times and what God is trying to say to the people of his times. What God says to His church at any given period depends altogether upon her moral and spiritual condition and upon the spiritual need of the hour.  Religious leaders who continue mechanically to expound the Scriptures without regard to the current religious situation are no better than the scribes and lawyers of Jesus' day who faithfully parroted the Law without the remotest notion of what was going on around them spiritually.  They fed the same diet to all and seemed wholly unaware that there was such a thing as meat in due season.  The prophets never made that mistake nor wasted their efforts in that manner.  They invariably spoke to the condition of the people of their times. Today we need prophetic preachers; not preachers of prophecy merely, but preachers with a gift of prophecy.  The word of wisdom is missing.  We need the gift of discernment