
Mere Religion

Mere Religion By Kathryn Kuhlman, Victory in Jesus God's religion never yet made a man miserable. Think that one through.  Maybe all that you've had through the years is just religion.  There are thousands of people that all on earth they ever had is religion, and just enough religion to make them miserable.  They are having a terrible time, just an awful time being religious.  Every Sunday morning our churches are filled with religious people, and in many instances even the one who stands behind the pulpit has nothing more or less than his religion.  The Bible has never become alive to him. Jesus Christ has never really become a living personality to him. God the Father is still one that is very mystical, far off, he knows not where.  You can perceive it in his prayers.  He isn't quite sure to whom he is praying, whether or not he is really praying to a person, or if anyone at all is hearing his prayers.  That is the reason why the Holy Spirit and the power of the Holy Spi

A word of Knowledge: How Divine Healing Works

A word of Knowledge: How Divine Healing Works Matthew 4:23 KJV And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. How is it that Jesus was and is able to heal ALL the sick and the diseased?  How did that work specifically? The Scripture did tell us exactly the mechanism and reason by which divine healing is made a possibility and a reality to the world.  Isaiah 53:4-5 KJV Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.  [5] But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed. Matthew 8:17 KJV That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet,  saying,  Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.  [Isaiah 53:4] Jesus did not heal by blasting beams of powe

Greater Works: Experiencing God's Power: Energized by the Spirit

Greater Works: Experiencing God's Power By Smith Wigglesworth Energized by the Spirit There is a necessity for every one of us to be filled with God.  It is not sufficient to have just a touch or to be filled with just a desire.  Only one thing will meet the needs of the people, and that is for you to be immersed in the life of God.  This means that God takes you and fills you with His Spirit until you live right in God.  He does this so that “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, [it may be] all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31).  In that place you will find that all your strength and all your mind and all your soul are filled with a zeal, not only for worship, but also for proclamation.  This proclamation is accompanied by all the power of God, which must move satanic power and disturb the world. The reason the world is not seeing Jesus is that Christian people are not filled with Jesus.  They are satisfied with attending meetings weekly, reading the Bible occasionally,

Tongues and the Baptism By Smith Wigglesworth on the Holy Spirit

Tongues and the Baptism By Smith Wigglesworth on the Holy Spirit Let me tell you about my own experience of being baptized with the Holy Spirit.  You know, beloved, that it had to be something that was based on solid facts in order to move me.  I was as certain as possible that I had received the Holy Spirit, and I was absolutely rigid in this conviction.  Many years ago, a man came to me and said,  “Wigglesworth, do you know what is happening in Sunderland, England? People are being baptized in the Holy Spirit exactly the same way that the disciples were on the Day of Pentecost.”  I said, “I would like to go.” Immediately, I took a train and went to Sunderland and met with the people who had assembled for the purpose of receiving the Holy Spirit.  I was continuously in those meetings causing disturbances, until the people wished I had never come.  They said that I was disrupting the conditions for people to receive the baptism.  But I was hungry and thirsty for God, and had gone to Su

Smith Wigglesworth On the Holy Spirit: Questions and Answers about the Baptism

Smith Wigglesworth On the Holy Spirit Questions and Answers about the Baptism Q: Is the Holy Spirit a personality? A:Yes, He is. He is not an “it,” not an influence, but He is a presence, a power, a person, the third person of the Trinity. That is the reason why the Lord said, “When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). Q: If you do not receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, will you be lost? A: Certainly not. You are not saved by the Holy Spirit. You are saved by the Word of God and the blood of Jesus. Q: Is it as necessary to urge people to seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit as it is to urge them to be saved? A: No, because the baptism of the Holy Spirit cannot come to anybody until he is saved. And a person could go to heaven without the baptism of the Holy Spirit—the thief on the cross did. You must understand that the most important thing today is getting people saved. But do not forget that after you are saved, you must seek so that

"Having Begun In The Spirit"

”Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?” Now let us try to learn that this word to the Galatians teaches us—some very simple thoughts.  (1) It shows us how the beginning of the Christian life is receiving the Holy Spirit.  (2) It shows us what great danger there is of forgetting that we are to live by the Spirit, and not live after the flesh.  (3) It shows us what are the fruits and the proofs of our seeking perfection in the flesh.  (4) It suggests to us the way of deliverance from this state. - Andrew Murray, Absolute Surrender:  "Having Begun In The Spirit" 

How To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit

*** A Message for this Shavuot and Pentecost, 11 Jun 2024 *** How To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit   by A.W. Tozer Almost all Christians want to be full of the Spirit. Only a few want to be filled with the Spirit. But how can a Christian know the fullness of the Spirit unless he has known the experience of being filled? It would, however, be useless to tell anyone how to be filled with the Spirit unless he first believes that he can be. No one can hope for something he is not convinced is the will of God for him and within the bounds of scriptual provision. Before the question 'How can I be filled?' has any validity the seeker after God must be sure that the experience of being filled is actually possible.  The man who is not sure can have no ground of expectation.  Where there is no expectation there can be no faith, and where there is no faith the inquiry is meaningless. The Doctrine of the Spirit as it relates to the believer has over the last half century [written in 1957]