
The Word of God is One not many

A word of Wisdom On The Word of God is One not many 2 Corinthians 2:17 KJV For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ. The King James Bible is the Preserved Word of God in English. The modern Bibles are the works of (scholarly) men unknowingly corrupted by Gnosticism which is based on Greek philosophy, which is the basis of our modern education system. There is only ONE Word of God not many. That is just simple common sense. 1 Corinthians 14:33 KJV For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. John 12:48 KJV He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. God is in control from everlasting to everlasting.  

What is the Kingdom of God?

A word of Knowledge On What is the Kingdom of God? Mark 9:1 KJV And he said unto them,  Verily I say unto you,  That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power. Romans 14:17 KJV For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. The Bible gives us the definition of what the Kingdom of God really is. It is simply this: The Kingdom of God is the righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost!. [Strong's Definition: Righteousness: equity (of character or act); specifically (Christian) justification. Peace:- by implication prosperity: - one peace quietness rest + set at one again. Joy:- cheerfulness that is calm delight.] Yes, the Kingdom of God is in the Holy Ghost! Where is it located? Luke 17:21 KJV The Kingdom of God is within you. Having received the gift of the Holy Spirit as promised by the Father through the baptism with the Holy Spirit by J

How Effectual Healing Work

A word of Knowledge On How Effectual Healing Work 1. Your spirit or heart believed that Jesus is the Healer. 2. You soul obeys your spirit by renewimg your mind in Christ by SOLELY focusing on what the Word says only and not on what the sick body and symptoms says and feels. 3. Your body will then obey your soul which has obeyed your spirit in which has obeyed God. And then physical healing of the body takes place.  

How Divine Healing Works

A word of Knowledge On How Divine Healing Works Romans 10:17 KJV So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Many of us who professed to be believers yet have never believed or are even ignorant of the divine healing (and health) that God has provided us through Jesus Christ. They have read the Bible and came across recordings of healings but have never believed that healing is for us. In fact, even at the cost of disobeying Jesus' command for us to heal the sick. Believers that don't believe! Different methods and ways are recorded in the Word that instructs us on how to minister healing to others as well as to receive it for ourselves. However, it is not by the methods that is being employed that gets the sick healed or otherwise. Divine Healing is really by faith that comes by the hearing of the Word of God. That is how it actually works in every case; whether be it by the faith of the minister or be it by the faith of the person being ministered to. It

The spirit of man

A word of Knowledge On The spirit of man There is no other faith-based belief nor religion nor science nor any teachings of the world that speaks of the spirit of man, except the Holy Bible of Christianity, the very Word of God. Only the true Creator of man could teach men about their true nature and origin; everything else are made up by the imperfect, limited knowledge of man himself. The world or the natural man only knows of the soul and body of man but are not aware that man is really a triune being, made up of a spirit, a soul and a body, just as God is a Triune Being. God is a spirit and man is made in the image of God. Thetefore, Man is a spirit, having a soul, that lives in a physical body. John 4:24 KJV God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Genesis 9:6 KJV for in the image of God made He man. The body interacts on the physical realm with the physical world based on the physical senses. The soul interacts on the mental or metaphysi

Churchianity vs Christianity

(1) Jehovah-shammah — "The Lord ever present." (2) Jehovah-jireh — "The Lord our provider." (3) Jehovah-nissi — "The Lord our banner." (4) Jehovah-shalom — "The Lord our peace." (5) Jehovah-raah — "The Lord my shepherd." (6) Jehovah-tsidkenu — "The Lord our righteousness." (7) Jehovah-rapha — "The Lord that healeth." (Exod. 15:26)  
I'm not moved by what I see. I'm not moved by what I feel. I'm moved only by what I believe. - Smith Wigglesworth