
The main characteristic which is the proof of the indwelling Spirit..

The main characteristic which is the proof of the indwelling Spirit is an amazing tenderness in personal dealing, and a blazing truthfulness with regard to God’s Word.  Disciples Indeed, 386 R - Oswald Chambers 

A word of Wisdom: The Prayer of Faith

A word of Wisdom: The Prayer of Faith Praying harder is not faith. Praying louder is not faith. Praying powerfully is not faith. Praying persistently is not faith. Praying on experience is not faith. Praying in long duration is not faith. Praying in many words is not faith. Praying in beautiful words is not faith  Praying in stirred up emotions is not faith. The prayer of faith is the prayer of love as Jesus loved; believing in Him and His Word; believing in what He has already accomplished and overcome; and establishing the Kingdom of God here on earth as is in heaven. The point is always and solely on Christ, and never on your problems, needs, expectations and hope. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

The Power of the Gospel

The Power of the Gospel,  July 1915 By Smith Wigglesworth (Published in Flumes of Fire) I am convinced that there is nothing in the world that is going to convince men and women of the power of the Gospel like the manifestation of the Spirit with the fruits.  God has baptized us in the Holy Ghost for a purpose, that He may show His mighty power in human flesh, as He did in Jesus, and He is bringing us to a place where He may manifest these gifts. man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.  1 Corinthians 12:3 Every man who does not speak the truth concerning this Word, which is Jesus, makes Him the accursed;  so all we have to do is to have the revelation of the Word in our hearts and there will be no fear of our being led astray, because this Word is nothing else but Jesus.  In the gospel of St. John you read that the Word was God, and He became flesh and dwelt amongst us and we beheld His glory, the

How Deliverance From Prayerlessness Might Continue

How Deliverance From Prayerlessness Might Continue (Excerpts) By Andrew Murray, Living a Prayerful Life Think about our Lord’s words: ‘‘Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. [And] you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you’’ (John 14:11, 17). Those words are the secret of the life of prayer. Take time in your place of prayer to bow down and worship. Wait on Him until He reveals himself, takes possession of you, and goes with you to show you how a person may live and walk in abiding fellowship with Him. Do you long to know how you may always experience deliverance from the sin of prayerlessness? Here you have the secret. Believe in the Son of God; Give Him time in your quiet place of prayer to reveal himself in His ever-present nearness as the Eternal, Almighty One, the Eternal Love who watches over you. Then you will experience something that you possibly have not known before: It has not entered into the heart of man what God can do for th

How to Be Delivered From Prayerlessness

How to Be Delivered From Prayerlessness By Andrew Murray, Living a Prayerful Life The greatest stumbling block in the way of victory over prayerlessness is the secret feeling that we will never obtain the blessing of being delivered from it.  Often we have tried, but in vain.  Old habits, the power of the flesh, and our surroundings with their varied attractions and distractions, have been too strong for us.  What good does it do to attempt what our heart assures us is out of our reach?  The change needed in the entire life is too great and too difficult.  If the question is put: ‘‘Is a change possible?’’ our sighing heart says,  ‘‘For me it is entirely impossible!’’  Do you know why we answer like that?  It is simply because we have heard the call to prayer as the voice of Moses and as a command of the law. Moses and his law have never given anyone the power to obey. Do you really long for the courage to believe that deliverance from a prayerless life is possible for you and may becom

The Cause of Prayerlessness

The Storm Center on the Battlefield By Andrew Murray, Living a Prayerful Life,  The Cause of Prayerlessness Mention was made in a conference of the expression ‘‘strategic position,’’ used so often in reference to the great strife between the kingdom of heaven and the powers of darkness. When a general chooses the place from which he intends to strike his enemy, he pays most attention to those points that he thinks most important in the fight.  On the battlefield of Waterloo, there was a farmhouse that Wellington immediately saw as the key to the situation. He did not spare his troops in his endeavor to hold that point: the victory depended on it. And so it happened as he predicted it would.  It is the same in the conflict between the believer and the powers of darkness.  The place of private prayer is the key, the strategic position, where decisive victory is obtained. The Enemy uses all his power to lead the Christian—and above all, the minister—to neglect prayer.  Satan knows that ho

Sin consists in...

Sin consists in nothing but this,  that man determined to be something and would not suffer God to be everything; and the redemption of Jesus has no other aim than that God should again become everything in our heart and life. - Andrew Murray  

Absolute Surrender: Ye Are The Branches

Absolute Surrender Ye Are The Branches (Excerpts) By Andrew Murray Oh, we find the Christian life so difficult because we seek for God’s blessing while we live in our own will.  We should be glad to live the Christian life according to our own liking.  We make our own plans and choose our own work, and then we ask the Lord Jesus to come in and take care that sin shall not conquer us too much, and that we shall not go too far wrong;  we ask Him to come in and give us much of His blessing.  But our relationship to Jesus ought to be such that we are entirely at His disposal, and every day come to Him humbly and straightforwardly say: "Lord, is there anything in me that is not according to Thy will, that has not been ordered by Thee, or that is not entirely given up to Thee?" Oh, if we would wait patiently, I tell you what the result would be.  There would spring up a relationship between us and Christ that is so close and so tender that we should afterward be amazed at how we fo