A word of Wisdom: Hear God Not Men

A word of Wisdom:

Hear God Not Men

Hear and the voice of God in everything that you do and not the voice of men of influence and authority.

Most believers do not walk in the Spirit, they walk in the wisdom of men.

The reason is they do not know how to hear from the voice of God and are so used to hearing their pastors, famous preachers, scholars, authorities and influences instead.

Most believers read the Bible according to the narratives and understandings of Bible commentaries from scholars and pastors instead of hearing the "live"  commentaries from the Author, the Holy Spirit Himself.

The Bible is already in English and no, you do not need to have a good grasp of Hebrew or Greek to comprehend the Word of God correctly, contrary to common modern errorneous beliefs.

But of course, you could always reference a readily available dictionary (eg. Strong's Concordance) on a difficult word of its Hebrew or Greek origin to understand the richer meanings of the word translated in English. That is about it, nothing mysterious or deep about that that requires you to consult the opinions of Hebrew or Greek scholars.

The same idea in reading the Bible applies to all the activities and issues of life in our daily mundane life, every moment of it.

The problem is that most believers do not know they have to hear God's voice instead of men's nor do they know how to actually hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.

The video below teaches you the biblical way to hear from our Lord in everything, moment by moment:

Requirements for Hearing God's Voice



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