
What is the spirit of man?

What is the spirit of man? By John G Lake, How to receive Eternal Life   God's heart was the reason for man.  Now what kind of a man would it be natural for Him to create if He created a man to be His child?  He would create a man in His own class, in His own image, after His own likeness.  That would be normal. Now God is a Spirit.  Then man must be a spirit.  He has a soul, intellect, affections, and will, but he lives in a body.  You say, "What is His conscience?"  Consciousness is the voice of man's spirit.  It is the spirit speaking.  But you say, "Hasn't man a subconscious mind?"  No, that is psychological nonsense.  The thing we call subconscious mind is simply your own spirit, the real man.  Jesus illustrated it.  You are cognizant that there is something above your intellect.  There is somebody that makes you think when you don't want to.  There is somebody above your reason that makes you think when you are tired.  And you can watch yoursel

Voice of a Prophet: The Privilege of Being Sent of God

Voice of a Prophet  By A.W. Tozer The Privilege of Being Sent of God There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. JOHN 1:6-7 The greatness of the man John did not lie in him but in his office and his privilege. Abraham saw our Lord’s day and was glad. But John the Baptist lived in that day, and that made him greater than Abraham. David played his harp and sang of the Coming One who would be wounded and pierced but would rise again and sing among his brethren. But John the Baptist was there; he saw Him and felt Him. Isaiah sang of One who would come born of a virgin and grow up as a root out of a dry ground. But John the Baptist touched the One Isaiah prophesied and baptized Him. His privilege was greater. Malachi said He should suddenly come to His temple and sit as upon a fire. But John the Baptist actually walked in that Temple, and though that particular passage probably refers

Voice of a Prophet: We Need Prophets, Not Promoters

Voice of a Prophet  By A.W. Tozer We Need Prophets, Not Promoters (Excerpted) And God said unto Moses,  I AM THAT I AM:  and he said,  Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel,  I AM hath sent me unto you. EXODUS 3:14 What prepared Moses for his great work was what I refer to as the crisis of encounter. Out of this crisis came a sense of the sacred. Perhaps the reason there is such a lack of reverence today is because most people have never met God in this way. Made Beautiful in the Presence of the Fire Many years after this burning bush experience, Moses prayed a wonderful prayer:  “And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it” (Ps. 90:17).  When Moses saw that beautiful blaze in the twilight, he said,  “I will turn aside now and see this great sight.” That attractiveness is the great and mighty need of religion today. More than any other thing, we need the sense of sacredness t

Voice of a Prophet: The Dynamics of Experiencing God 3

Voice of a Prophet By A.W. Tozer The Dynamics of Experiencing God Have You Met with God Yet? In looking at these great men of God, I notice that the details of their encounters with God were always sharp and clear to the individual. There was no mistake about it; God was speaking to them in a clarity that inspired obedience in their hearts. What we do not hear clearly, we are not willing to obey. You must meet God. It is not simply that you can meet God; it is not simply that you might meet Him. You must meet God. This is the imperative if you are to be a voice to your generation. You do not have to travel the world looking for God or tap on a tree or rock to see if God is there, or climb up into heaven to pull God down into the depths. “But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it” (Deut. 30:14). To tell people that they ought to meet God is never enough. They also need to be told how to meet God. It is through the gospel that we discover

Absolute Surrender: Peter's Repentance

Absolute Surrender By Andrew Murray Peter's Repentance You may be a very earnest, godly, devoted believer, in whom the power of the flesh is yet very strong. That is a very solemn truth.  Peter, before he denied Christ, had cast out devils and had healed the sick; and yet the flesh had power, and the flesh had room in him.  Oh, beloved, we have to realize that it is just because there is so much of that self-life in us that the power of God cannot work in us as mightily as God is willing that it should work.  Do you realize that the great God is longing to double His blessing, to give tenfold blessing through us?  But there is something hindering Him, and that something is a proof of nothing but the self-life.  We talk about the pride of Peter, and the impetuosity of Peter, and the self-confidence of Peter. It all rooted in that one word, self.  Christ had said, “Deny self,” and Peter had never understood, and never obeyed; and every failing came out of that. What a solemn thought,

Voice of a Prophet: The Dynamics of Experiencing God 2

Voice of a Prophet  By A.W. Tozer The Dynamics of Experiencing God 2 Be Still and Know that He Is God We live in a society that has seeped into the church. It is full of all kinds of activity and noise. From the time you get up in the morning until you go to bed at night, there is activity and noise and chatter. In all of that, we cannot come to the place of getting to know God. As long as we are satisfied with the status quo, we will never come to the point where we truly experience God as He desires to be experienced. The experience is always on God’s terms, not ours. It is not popular, but it is powerful. That is, we need to get still in order to experience God. David the psalmist understood this when he wrote,  “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth” (Ps. 46:10).  It is in that stillness that we truly experience His presence. Elijah discovered this.  “And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: a

Right vs Wrong Traditions

A word of Wisdom On Right vs Wrong Traditions Is Christmas a tradition observed by Jesus and the Apostles?  Or Is it really an idolatrous tradition of men and the world?  Will you continue to be in delusion; to find excuses and justifications as an after thought, in order to celebrate an actual pagan day in the Name of Christ? Why are you so willing to celebrate with customs and practices that are not Scriptural and even paganistic, following after the ways of the world and that not of Christ? Do you even celebrate your own birthday on a false day that is so far from your actual birth year after year? .. yet you will not celebrate the actual birth date nor attempt to find out the actual day to rejoice it in?  Is that not a tiny bit strange and twisted notion to you at all?  Brethrens, I pray you, do not be deceived by the devil and the ways of the world regardless of how ancient the tradition! Repent!  Do you not know that the Kingdom of God is already come upon you? We worship God in