
Absolute Surrender: "O Wretched Man That I Am"

Absolute Surrender By Andrew Murray "O Wretched Man That I Am" The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and of death” ? (Rom 8:2) What the Holy Spirit does is to give the victory.  “If ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the flesh, ye shall live”  (Rom. 8:13). It is the Holy Spirit who does this—the third Person of the Godhead. He it is who, when the heart is opened wide to receive Him, comes in and reigns there, and mortifies the deeds of the body, day by day, hour by hour, and moment by moment. I want to bring this to a point.  Remember, dear friend, what we need is to come to decision and action.  There are in Scripture two very different sorts of Christians.  The Bible speaks in Romans, Corinthians and Galatians about yielding to the flesh; and that is the life of tens of thousands of believers.  All their lack of joy in the Holy Spirit, and their lack of the liberty He gives, is just owing to the flesh.  The Spirit is

Dominion Over Demons, Disease and Death

The John G. Lake Sermons  On Dominion Over Demons, Disease and Death Edited by Gordon Lindsay (Selected Excerpts) For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:2 KJV Operation of Fear In the Physical That law operates in the physical as well as the spiritual.  A man is in a state of fear. Someone has typhoid fever. They are placarding the houses to keep others from getting in contact with that dread disease.  Now fear causes your mind to become subjective. When you are full of fear, your pores will absorb everything around you.  You are drawing into yourself what is around you.  That is the way people absorb disease. I was ministering one time where the bubonic plague was raging. You could not hire people for a thousand dollars to bury the dead. At such times the government has to take hold of the situation. But I never took the disease. Operation of the Law of Life Now watch the action of the law of life.  Faith belongs to

The Mystery of the Holy Spirit: The Gifts of the Spirit

The Mystery of the Holy Spirit By A.W. Tozer The Gifts of the Spirit (Excerpts) Paul says that these gifts are in the body.  Mostly we say that there are nine of them.  That is because 1 Corinthians, in the opening verses, lists nine; but you know that I have counted at least eighteen.  Maybe there could be some that overlap and that they use synonyms, in which case, maybe it could be reduced to fifteen.  But let me follow in the scriptures closely now.  I am not using my imagination, I am staying by the word of God.  Let me name the organs of the divine body which are named by Paul in the passages which I read.   First there is the gift of the apostle or an ambassador or messenger;  then there’s a gift that makes a prophet,  then there’s the gift that makes a teacher,  then there’s the gift that makes an exhorter;  then there is the gift that makes the ruler, that would be someone the old Presbyterian’s call the ruling elder;  then there’s the gift of wisdom, gift of knowledge, gift o

Waiting On God: For Instruction

Waiting On God  By Andrew Murray  For Instruction Ps. 25:4-5 Shew me thy ways, O Lord;  Teach me Thy paths.  Lead me in Thy truth, and teach me;  For Thou art the God of my salvation;  On Thee do I wait all the day." I spoke of an army on the point of entering an enemy’s territories. Answering the question as to the cause of delay:  "Waiting for supplies."  The answer might also have been: "Waiting for instructions," or "Waiting for orders."  If the last despatch had not been received, with the final orders of the commander-in-chief, the army dared not move.  Even so in the Christian life: as deep as the need of waiting for supplies, is that of waiting for instructions. See how beautiful this comes out in Ps. 25. The writer knew and loved God’s law exceedingly, and meditated in that law day and night. But he knew that this was not enough.  He knew that for the right spiritual apprehension of the truth, and for the right personal application of it to h

Waiting On God: For Supplies

Waiting On God  by Andrew Murray  For Supplies  Ps 145:14-15 "The Lord upholdeth all that fall,  And raiseth up all those that be bowed down.  The eyes of all wait upon Thee;  And Thou givest them their meat in due season." PSALM 104 is a Psalm of Creation, and the words, "These all wait upon Thee," were used with reference to the animal creation.  Here we have a Psalm of the Kingdom, and "The eyes of all wait upon Thee" appears specially to point to the needs of God’s saints, of all that fall and them that be bowed down.  What the universe and the animal creation do unconsciously, God’s people are to do intelligently and voluntarily.  Man is to be the interpreter of Nature. He is to prove that there is nothing more noble or more blessed in the exercise of our free will than to use it in waiting upon God. If an army has been sent out to march into an enemy’s country, and tidings are received that it is not advancing, the question is at once asked, what may