
Divine Healing 8 of 13: Do Not Consider Your Body

Divine Healing 8 of 13 By Andrew Murray  Do Not Consider Your Body And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb:   He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;   And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. (Romans 4:19‭-‬21 KJV) When God promised to give Abraham a son, the patriarch would never have been able to believe in this promise if he had considered his own body, already aged and worn out.  However, he would see nothing but God and His promise, the power and faithfulness of God who guaranteed him the fulfillment of His promise. This enables us to lay hold of all the difference there is between the healing which is expected from earthly remedies and the healing which is looked for from God only.  When we have recourse to remedies for healing, all the attention of the sick one i

Divine Healing 7 of 13: The Way of Faith

Divine Healing 7 of 13 By Andrew Murray  The Way of Faith “And straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears,  Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief”  (Mark 9:24). These words have been a help and strength to thousands of souls in their pursuit of salvation and the gifts of God.  Notice that it is in relation to an afflicted child that they were pronounced, in the fight of faith when seeking healing from the Lord Jesus.  In them we see that in one and the same soul there can arise a struggle between faith and unbelief,  and that it is not without a struggle that we come to believe in Jesus and in His all-power to heal the sick.  In this we find the needful encouragement for realizing the Savior’s power. I speak here especially to sufferers who do not doubt the power or the will of the Lord Jesus to heal in this day without the use of earthly remedies,  but who lack the boldness to accept healing for themselves.  They believe in the divine power of Christ,  they b

Divine Healing 6 of 13: According to the Measure of Faith

Divine Healing 6 of 13 By Andrew Murray  According to the Measure of Faith “And Jesus said unto the centurion,  Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee.  And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour”  (Matt. 8:13). This passage of Scripture brings before us one of the principal laws of the kingdom of heaven.  In order to understand God’s ways with His people, and our relations with the Lord,  it is needful to understand this law thoroughly and not to deviate from it.  Not only does God give or withhold His gifts according to the faith or unbelief of each,  but they are granted in greater or lesser measure, only in proportion to the faith which receives them.  God respects the right to decide which He has conferred on man.  Therefore He can only bless us in the measure in which each yields himself up to His divine working, and opens all his heart to Him.  Faith in God is nothing else than the full opening of the heart to receive everything from God;  therefore

Contending With the Devil

Contending With the Devil By Don Dickerman, People, Pigs and Principalities I think Christians make a mistake when they believe they have been given authority to challenge these powers in the heavenly realm.  I will simply ask,  “If we have that authority, why then does it not work? And why limit it to a particular location?”  If through a human being’s declaration to principalities and powers we can change their actions, why not extend it to the whole earth?  I have never seen a positive result from Christians engaging in spiritual warfare with heavenly realm powers. I have seen the opposite happen with churches dissolving, ministries crumbling, and individuals suffering sickness and multitudes of difficulties.  Our God-given authority has to do with individuals—it is to pray for nations, not against principalities and powers.  Jesus sent His disciples to the people, not against heavenly realm powers.  He did not bind the evil prince of Jerusalem; instead He admonished us to pray for