
Absolute Surrender: Kept by the Power of God

Absolute Surrender By Andrew Murray Kept by the Power of God Oh, if you want to grow in grace, do learn to begin here. In all your judgings and meditations and thoughts and deeds and questionings and studies and prayers, learn to be kept by your Almighty God. What is Almighty God not going to do for the child that trusts Him? The Bible says: “Above all that we can ask or think” (Eph. 3:20). It is Omnipotence you must learn to know and trust, and then you will live as a Christian ought to live. How little we have learned to study God, and to understand that a godly life is a life full of God, a life that loves God and waits on Him, and trusts Him, and allows Him to bless it! We cannot do the will of God except by the power of God. God gives us the first experience of His power to prepare us to long for more, and to come and claim all that He can do. God help us to trust Him every day.  

Voice of a Prophet: Repentance for What We Are

Voice of a Prophet By A.W. Tozer Repentance for What We Are One thing wrong with us today is that we do not repent enough. The reason we do not have more repentance is that we repent for what we do instead of for what we are. The repentance for what you do may go deep, but the repentance for what you are goes deeper. It was the sharp contrast between what God was and what Isaiah was—the absolute holiness of the deity, and the spotted, speckled impurities of Isaiah’s nature—that brought this feeling of being absolutely profane to this man of God.  

Absolute Surrender: "Having Begun in the Spirit"

Absolute Surrender By Andrew Murray  "Having Begun in the Spirit" The words from which I wish to address you, you will find in the epistle to the Galatians, the third chapter, the third verse; let us read the second verse also: “This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish?” And then comes my text— “Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?” When we speak of the quickening or the deepening or the strengthening of the spiritual life, we are thinking of something that is feeble and wrong and sinful; and it is a great thing to take our place before God with the confession: “Oh, God, our spiritual life is not what it should be!” May God work that in your heart, reader. As we look round about on the church we see so many indications of feebleness and of failure, and of sin, and of shortcoming, that we are compelled to ask: Why is it? Is there any necessity for the church of Ch
For observe what confession of weakness our Protestant churches are unconciously putting forth on every hand. Note the dependence which is placed on artistic music, on expensive edifices, on culture and eloquence in the pulpit; on literary and social entertainments for drawing in the people, and on fairs and festivals for paying expenses. Hear the reports that come in at any annual convention of churches, of the new organs and frescoings and furnishings, and of the - not saints' festivals - but strawberry festivals and the large results therefrom accruing. And all this from churches that count themselves to be the body of Christ and the habitation of God through the Spirit! Is not this an infinite descent from the primitive records of power and success - the Lord "conforming the word with signs following" (Mark 16:20, and the preaching which was "not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power (1 Corinthians 2:4)? - A.J. Go

The Pursuit of God (Excerpts)

The Pursuit of God (Excerpts) By A.W. Tozer It is important that we get still to wait on God.  And it is best that we get alone, preferably with our Bible outspread before us.  Then, if we will, we may draw near to God and began to hear Him speak to us in our hearts.  I think for the average person the progression will be something like this:  First a sound as of a Presence walking in the garden.  Then a Voice, more intelligible, but still far from clear.  Then the happy moment when the Spirit begins to illuminate the Scriptures; and that which had been only a sound, or at best a voice, now becomes an intelligible word; warm and intimate and clear as the word of a dear friend.  Then will come life and light, and best of all, ability to see and rest in and brace Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of all.  

Waiting On God: Strong and of Good Courage

Waiting On God  By Andrew Murray  Strong and of Good Courage "Wait on the Lord: be strong,  And let your heart take courage Yea, wait thou on the Lord."  Ps. 27:14 The psalmist had just said,  "I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."  If it had not been for his faith in God, his heart had fainted.  But in the confident assurance in God which faith gives, he urges himself and us to remember one thing above all, - to wait upon God.  "Wait on the Lord: be strong, and let your heart take courage: yea, wait thou on the Lord."  One of the chief needs in our waiting upon God, one of the deepest secrets of its blessedness and blessing, is a quiet, confident persuasion that it is not in vain;  courage to believe that God will hear and help; we are waiting on a God who never could disappoint His people. "Be strong and of good courage." These words are frequently found in connection with some great

Voice of a Prophet: The Wilderness of Your Heart

Voice of a Prophet  By A.W. Tozer  The Wilderness of Your Heart Four things are wrong with the wilderness, and there are four things we have to do before the chariot of God will ride in. It lies with you and me whether we are going to do this or not.  We can sing about Christmas until we get calluses on our vocal cords, and we can celebrate Christmas just as long and loud as we will; but when it is all over, we may be as barren as when we started.  The wilderness and the green briars may grow over your soul, and God may be unable to get to where you are, and He may terminate His victorious progress toward your inner life somewhere out in the borders, because He comes to the crooked ways that are grown over and there is no smooth way. 1) Straighten the Paths The first thing that needs to be done is to make His paths straight. God is not going to run around spirals or corkscrews.  Make His paths straight.  All crooked ways shall be corrected and made straight. Everybody knows what that m